Sustainable lifelong learning

Erik Jentges
2 min readJan 25, 2022

Good thing: it is never too late to start learning. After graduation, get ready to unlearn a few habits (like cramming for exams) and replace them with a more sustainable way of learning, driven by your intrinsic motivation.

Schools cater to extrinsic motivation

Schools offer frameworks that guide learners by using extrinsic motivation. Similar to the carrot and stick analogy, learners are extrinsically motivated to pass an exam and continuing their journey to graduation. And they want to avoid discomfort such as feeling shame if they do not pass their exams. Extrinsic motivation is a powerful force that structures and guides learners. But it is not a sustainable way of learning.

Lifelong learners need to learn sustainably

After graduating from high school, learners have merely passed the quarter waypoint. At age 25, they are 1325 weeks into their 4000+ week life journey. There are many years ahead of them that want to be filled with life lessons to learn and skills to acquire. Simply by looking at a visual representation of the “Calendar of your Life”, students realize that the skill of learning will be with them for many years after school’s out.

Lifelong Learning needs to tap into intrinsic motivation

For mature learners, learning should to be seen and treated as a habit. Habits are easier to follow when they bring joy. Learning can deliver on that. Think of it as sport for your brain. But to get there, extrinsic frameworks need to be replaced with intrinsic motivation. Add technique on how to learn effectively to access your intrinsic motivation for learning. Enjoy your curiosity.

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Erik Jentges

Exploring higher education futures | Consulting and Coaching for Professors